Sunday, March 22, 2015

What's In Your Wallet - Gold?!

Hey there lovelies,

I'd like to bring something to your attention that concerns me and if you haven't already questioned the what if theory on this issue maybe you should. Have you ever stopped and wondered why the dollar has become so strong within the recent years after the recession of 2008? Have you ever questioned whether or not it even makes sense to have increased mortgage loans and credit limits, but lower interest rates? With the U.S dollar's unparalleled rise, should Americans be considering a safety net with silver and gold?
The inversely proportionate commodities have a frightening historical pattern, usually ending in financial crisis for the U.S. To date the U.S have had three major financial crisis, The Great Depression of 1929, The Crash of 1989, and the most recent Financial Crisis of 2008. Billionaire's like Steve Forbes and George Soros are already hinting that history may repeat itself in the near future and have started bulking up their silver and gold shares. FOREVER without financial consequences, wouldn't it be wise to invest in something that is concrete just in case the dollar decides to go kaput... again? So I've done some research for you and expect you to do more on your own so you can decide for yourself whether or not you should start investing in a "gold standard" future that remarkably never seems to fade and remains a lion in waiting. So I say again, what's in your wallet?
Some may be believe it's rubbish, but is it really? The use of coin (gold and silver) has been an acceptable form of currency for thousands of years and has withstand the test of time. So when an economy finds themselves in economic ruin why does gold and silver always seem to prevail through the hardest and worst of time. According to Forbes, it is because the U.S federal reserve system continues to discredit the need to keep a "gold standard". Even if you truly believe that the U.S could continue printing as much money as they want and keep interest rates low

Food for thought. Click the links below:
Silver Trust (SLV):
Gold Shares (GLD):

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